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What is GO PURPLE about?

The GO PURPLE project is an awareness campaign in honor of women and men who have not just survived rape or violence but who have also forgiven and found true victory in Christ. We have a number of aims at the Foundation:

  • The training of more VICTIM SUPPORTERS called MELITA's.

  • To help victims- independent of race and sex to brake the silence caused by false shame and guilt.

  • The influencing of policies surrounding legal and forensic procedures that traumatize rape victims "again" when they do report.  

  • Awareness to proclaim HOPE IN CHRIST to a vast number of survivors THAT RAPE and VIOLENCE SHOULD NOT be the END but a new beginning in the arms of our HEAVENLY FATHER! 

  • Purple has so many significant meanings which we claim for these precious women and men and the many who will still be confronted with this painful injustice.


One morning I was on you tube searching and looking for tools to use in my support group meetings. I ended up looking at this video of Anne Ream, a rape survivor and the "purple" that was born in my heart 3 years prior to this morning suddenly came alive. It was the birth of the GO PURPLE campaign first done in 2012 by Crossroads in Vanderbijlpark. The success of the campaign lead to the establishment of the GO PURPLE FOUNDATION in 2014. The campaign in itself were so successful and much needed that it needed more structure and body for everything that grew from the GO PURPLE campaign. We are very excited to be able to bring change and help in a country where rape and violence are happening on a daily basis. The SAPS cannot do this alone and with the help of the MELITA'S the SAPS will be helped in a professional way.

Isaiah 42:16

But I will take the hand of those who don't  know the way, who cant see where they are going. I ll be a personal guide to them, directing them through unknown country. I ll be right there to show the what road to take, make sure they don't fall in a ditch. These things I'll be doing fro them- sticking with them not leaving them for one minute"



GO PURPLE. Proudly created with

Call us:


016 9313878

Find us: 

Becquerelstreet 33, CW2, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng


Klagtes teen rolspelers in Poppie van der Merwe Saak

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Thanks E news for this

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